We are really excited about our partnership with Leeds United Foundation and the Premier League Charitable Fund, which is focused around building a sustainable Careers Information and Guidance initiative for our pupils.

The first project as part of this initiative was a Careers Day at Elland Road for a selection of Year 11 pupils. They were given an overview of the diversity of roles within the club, the Academy and the Foundation.

Pupils learnt about the different types of career options available at Elland Road, such as disability, media and hospitality. It was a fantastic way for pupils to think more openly about their career choices, and we’re delighted that some pupils left the event feeling inspired to look further into the career paths they learnt about that day.

Mrs Reall, our Destinations and Post 16 Manager said The day at Leeds United was so informative both for our pupils and myself. It was great to see how engaged all the pupils were and it was really interesting to see the different career options at Leeds United, giving our pupils an insight into certain jobs they could do. Some of the pupils went to the event not having a clue about their pathway and came out with a definite interest and goal to work towards. I cannot wait for the next event.”

Payge, Year 11, particularly engaged with the trip, saying “the trip with the Leeds United Foundation opened my insights of how I want to move forward with my life and what I want to do around different careers. The day explained that you don’t have to go down your favourite route, if you do not make your first choice there’s always other routes.”

You can read more about this event, and our partnership with The Leeds United Foundation, at https://www.leedsunited.com/news/community/29398/foundation-launch-partnership-with-carr-manor.

We are excited to see how this partnership develops and look forward to the new opportunities this will present for our pupils.