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2nd September 2022
Dear families,
We hope that you have been keeping well throughout the summer months.
We have been delighted to see so many pupils – current and new – accessing activities and support over the holiday and we very much look forward to welcoming all pupils back in September, including our new Reception and Year 7 pupils.
September Return 2022
Please note the start times/dates for each year group below:
A phased start from Monday 5th – Thursday 8th September, 8:45am-1.00pm. All Reception pupils will be in school on Friday 9th September from 8.45am-1.00pm, then starting full time from Monday 12th September.
Year 7
Start school on Monday 5th September from 10.00am-3.00pm. From Tuesday 6th September, all Year 7 pupils will be in for the normal school day hours (8.50am-3.00pm Mondays, 8.30am-3.00pm Tuesday – Fridays).
Year 1 – Year 6
Year 8 – Year 11
Return on Tuesday 6th September. On this day, Reception – Year 5 pupils are expected to be on site for 8.45am and Year 6 – Year 11 pupils are expected to be on site for 8.20am.
GCSE Results
We were thrilled to welcome back our exiting Year 11 cohort to receive their GCSE results, and are delighted to say that our class of 2022 pupils have attained the highest levels in our school’s history. This is a real testament to their resilience and efforts, as well as the support of their teachers and coaches. We are pleased to see all our Year 11 pupils’ successful transition onto Post-16 courses, training or employment, and we look forward to tracking their future success.
A selection of Year 10 (now Year 11) pupils also came in to receive their home languages, Health & Social Care and CAMNAT Sports Studies results.
We want all of our pupils to wear their uniform with pride to represent the CMCS community. Please see a below a reminder of the uniform expectations for both phases.
Reception – Year 6
- Grey CMCS sweatshirt or grey CMCS cardigan for Reception – Year 4.
- Black CMCS sweatshirt or black CMCS cardigan for Years 5 & 6.
- Polo shirt or summer dress in House colour.
- Black trousers/dress/shorts/skirt.
- Plain black/white/grey socks.
- Supportive black shoes, appropriate for outdoor use.
- No facial piercings. One plain stud in each ear.
Year 7 – Year 11
- Black jumper, cardigan or blazer with the Carr Manor Community School logo.
- A white collared shirt.
- School tie in House colour.
- Black, appropriate-length skirt, with black tights.
- Black trousers (no jeans, jeggings, leggings, trousers with studs or cargo trousers).
- All black footwear (preferably shoes).
- No facial piercings. One plain stud in each ear. Necklaces are to be worn underneath the school uniform.
Uniform can be purchased throughout the school year from the main reception in both phases.
Please also note that our PTA run a uniform exchange programme on Facebook, at Families are also welcome to contact our primary or secondary phase main receptions for further uniform support.
Data Collection Forms
Thank you to all families who have returned the data collection forms that were provided at Meet Your Coach Day in June. If this is still to be returned, please either post this to our main reception or bring into school at the start of the new school year.
Open Day
We are hosting our Open Day on Saturday 8th October. The event is taking place across both phases from 10.00am-1.00pm. This is for children looking to join our Reception and Year 7 classes in September 2023. It is good to note that our school is full, with waiting lists in all year groups. If you know of anyone thinking of joining our school community next year, please encourage them to visit us on this date.
Parent/Carer Calendar
Please find a calendar included in this envelope which outlines key dates for the 2022-2023 academic year.
2022-2023 Academic Year Inset Days
Please note that school will be closed to all pupils on the following days for staff training:
- Friday 7th October 2022
- Friday 25th November 2022
- Friday 27th January 2023
- Monday 26th June 2023
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely
Lucie Lakin