Meet Your Coach Day & Year 11 Progress Evening
Wednesday 23rd November 2022 1.30-7.00pm
Dear families,
We will be holding our next Meet Your Coach Day on Wednesday 23rd November. As this is the second MYCD of the term, appointments are targeted at Years 8, 9 and 11. Year 8 and 9 pupils should be making appointments with their coach, and Year 11 pupils should be making appointments with their coach and Year 11 teachers, as part of the Year 11 Progress Evening.
There will also be talks at 2.00pm, 4.00pm and 6.00pm aimed at Year 11 families, with information on key dates for assessment/examinations and Post-16 applications.
At CMCS, we have also recently introduced a uniform and book recycling scheme where you can drop off or pick up uniform or books. This will be available throughout the afternoon based in the Hub.
For further information, please click the links below to view the full letters.
Yours sincerely,
Matthew Skinner
Associate Leader – PDWB