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29th March 2023
Dear families,
Thank you for your continued support during the second half of the Spring Term. As always, our offer for pupils has been diverse, with a range of events happening both in and out of school. Just some of these opportunities include the Year 7 residential, World Book Day with our Book at Bedtime event, Year 10 careers carousel, Winter Sports Day, science week, Inspiration Days, Basecamp, High School Musical, Reception’s trip to Homebase, Manchester City football trip and a Citizen’s UK event
Meet Your Coach Day & Week: Thank you to Secondary Phase families who attended the Meet Your Coach Day events this half-term on the 1st and 29th of March. Please note, the next Meet Your Coach Day is on Wednesday 21st June from 1.30 – 7.00pm for all year groups.
Year 10 mock exams: Well done to our Year 10 pupils who have been sitting mock exams. We are proud of the resilience they have shown during this time.
KS2 SATs: Our Year 6 pupils sat their mock SATs on w/c 20th March. We are proud of the maturity they have shown during this time. All Year 6 pupils received two CGP revision books bought for them by our PTA. These two books contain everything they need to know in English and Maths ready for their SATs which take place w/c 9th May.
Year 8 finals: Our Year 8 pupils will be sitting their final exams w/c 15th and 22nd May. Please have discussions with your child regarding these exams and encourage them to prepare for this time.
Progress Reports: Your child’s progress report is an important capture of their attitude towards their learning and their progress achieved this half-term. Please ensure that you have spoken with your child about their report to recognise their achievements and accomplishments as well as discuss areas for focus and improvement.
Flexible Learning: We are proud to host a variety of Flexible Learning clubs for pupils in all year groups. Please encourage your child to join as many clubs as possible. A reminder of the clubs we run can be found on our website –
School uniform: We have good quality recycled uniform and warm clothing that is available to all families. Please speak to main reception in either phase for further information on this. Any additional donations are gratefully received.
High School Musical: We are very proud of all the pupils who were involved in our performance of High School Musical last week. This was a special event for our school and we know there was a huge amount of planning and rehearsal time ahead of the night. Thank you to families who supported our pupils so they could take part in this fantastic performance.
Please also see a list of key dates below.
Monday 17th April – School opens for Summer 1 at the usual start times of 8:45am for Years R – 5, 8:30am for Year 6 and 8:50am for Years 7 – 11. Please ensure pupils arrive at least 10 minutes before for a prompt start. The Year 9 Study School Showcase is also taking place.
Monday 17th April – Friday 5th May – Year 11 MFL speaking exams.
Monday 1st May – Bank Holiday (School closed to all pupils).
Thursday 4th – Saturday 6th May – Duke of Edinburgh silver practice.
Friday 5th May – CMCS Dash.
Monday 8th May – Bank Holiday (School closed to all pupils).
w/c 9th May – Year 6 SATs and Year 10 Work Experience.
w/c 15th May – GCSE exams start and Year 8 final exams.
Thursday 18th – Saturday 20th May – Duke of Edinburgh silver assessment.
w/c 22nd May – GCSE exams continue and Year 8 final exams continue.
Friday 26th May – School closes for May half-term break
Monday 5th June – School opens for Summer 2
We thank you for your continued support and wish you all a lovely half-term break.
Yours sincerely
Lucie Lakin