We are very much looking forward to welcoming all secondary phase children back to school on Tuesday 9th March.
As part of the government’s strategy to re-open schools this term, we have been asked to provide a way for children to be tested for COVID-19 in school on their return. We have worked hard to set up a system for this to happen and have been using this to test staff weekly since early January.
Before deciding if you consent to your child being tested for COVID-19 in school, please note the following:
- Your child will need to be tested for COVID-19 three times before Tuesday 9th March.
- Your child will need to visit school to be tested on all three of the following dates:
- Monday 1st March
- Thursday 4th March
- Monday 8th March
- Testing will take 15-30 minutes.
- Once tested, your child will need to go home. There will be no lessons on the above dates; school will start as normal on Tuesday 9th
- The school will be open from 8am – 6pm on the above dates and children can arrive for their test at any time.
- Children should adhere to government guidelines when travelling to and from school.
- The school’s MYBUS is running as normal for children to travel to school.
- Children must wear facemasks whilst on the school site and adhere to social distancing.
- Within an hour of the test, you will receive a text message from the NHS Test & Trace system to tell you of your child’s COVID-19 test result.
- If your child tests negative, you will not need to do anything.
- If you child tests positive, everyone in your household will need to follow the government’s self-isolation guidance.
COVID-19 testing in school is voluntary but encouraged.
Please email [email protected] if you would like to consent to your child being tested.