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3rd February 2021
Dear families,
We hope you are keeping safe and well.
The school community continues to be busy throughout this spring term adapting and adjusting to learning in different ways. Pupils continue to engage well with their learning and coaching, and we know this will provide a strong platform for us to continue to build upon when we all return to learning in school together – something we are looking forward to very much! Thank you for all your support and feedback. We are pleased that our high expectations matched with high levels of support are enabling children to continue to thrive even in challenging circumstances.
Primary Phase remote learning
Thank you to the Primary Phase children for all of the great learning that you have been doing! In the Primary Phase there are daily live learning session with teachers to support all the other forms of learning that are taking place. They are a good opportunity to get feedback on your learning and to ask any questions if you have found something difficult or have made some lovely juicy mistakes in your learning. The link to each live session is posted on Dojo for you to click; please join your teachers for these sessions each day!
Sometimes the learning for the next week is posted on the website on the Friday before. We are pleased at how keen you are to get on with your learning but you will get so much more out of it if you wait for the dojo videos from your teachers during the week. We want you to enjoy your weekends as usual too! If you want to do some extra leaning why not research an aspect of your Big Question topic?
Secondary Phase remote learning
From Monday 1st February, Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 pupils will be receiving some live sessions for a range of their subjects. Pupils will have between 9 and 13 lessons per week spread across the five working days. Each live session will be 30 minutes in length and will replace that subject’s remote learning activities for that day. There will continue to be a range of learning activities and lessons that pupils can access at their own pace and suitable time, as well as several online wider reading and learning activities signposted for them to access.
We understand that there may be times when pupils cannot access live sessions. Please ensure your child informs their teacher if there are instances when they do not have access to technology at the timing of their class and we will be able to look at what additional support we can offer.
Progress Reports
Typically, we would send you a Progress Report for your child at the end of the Spring 1 half term. Given the current circumstances, we do not feel that a report that indicates your child’s progress, independence and effort would be a fair and accurate reflection of their learning since the start of January. The weekly contact by your child’s Coach will provide you with detail on how well your child is engaging in the remote curriculum. In addition, we have two Parent/Carer Consultation Evenings in March for Years 7 and 10 during which you will have the opportunity to speak with your child’s teachers via video call. We hope to be in a position to provide a Progress Report in the usual format at the end of the Spring 2 term as we break up for the Easter break at the end of March.
Parent/Carer Consultation Evenings
We know how important it is to hear how well your child is doing directly from their class or subject teachers. In order to facilitate this under the current circumstances we are using an online platform that allows you to book appointments in advance and have these conversations via video calls. The dates for these events have changed from the original calendar and are now as follows:
Reception, Year 2, 4 & 10 Parent/Carer Consultation Evening (Online event)
Wednesday 3rd March 2021, 12noon-7pm
Year 1, 3, 5 & 7 Parent/Carer Consultation Evening (Online event)
Wednesday 24th March 2021, 12noon-7pm
Year 11 Information Webinar (Online event)
Wednesday 31st March 2021 (timings to be confirmed)
Wednesday 21st April 2021, 3:30pm-7pm
Wednesday 19th May 2021, 3:30pm-7pm
More details about the arrangements for these events will be communicated separately.
Pupil and family feedback
Thank you for the numerous emails, messages and tweets you have been sending to show your appreciation for the whole school team; they are very well received by the staff. All coaches, teachers and support staff are committed to ensuring that our school community continues to flourish and we value our partnership with families in achieving that.
We hope that the recent snow has not proved too disruptive. We work hard to ensure that the school building remains open and it is regrettable when for safety reasons we cannot access the building safely. Thank you for your patience and understanding. More snow is forecast for the coming days and we will continue to endeavour to minimise disruption to school operations.
With the half term break approaching, we will be updating the spring term 2 calendar in light of rescheduled events affected by Covid, and we look forward to sharing with you dates and information regarding focus days which include World Book Day, a Climate Change focused day as well as career events and information. We will write to you to share with you these updates and will also publish regular updates on our website.
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely
Lucie Lakin