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6th January 2021

Dear families,

I hope you are well.

Thank you for your support over the recent days as we have had to adapt and alter our provision in line with changing guidance from the government.

As you will now be aware, schools remain open only for pupils of critical workers and vulnerable pupils. All year groups will now have access to their learning remotely until 15th February at the earliest.

We know that this is a significant change for those who were expecting to return to learning this week or in the next fortnight and we want to reassure you that there will be support and assistance from school as we navigate these next few weeks together.

Firstly, your child’s coach will be in contact with you regularly to check in with you and your child and discuss progress with remote learning and their general well-being.

There will also be detailed and age appropriate learning for your child for them to complete regularly and in line with their usual studies at school.

Remote Learning in the Primary Phase: Information about your child’s learning is uploaded on the school website each week. Go to to see what your child is learning each day.

In addition to this:

  • Your child’s teacher will record a short video each day which will be uploaded to Class Dojo. In this video, your child’s teacher will outline the day’s learning, highlight any previous good learning and remind your child about how to submit learning completed at home.
  • Your child’s teacher will ask for learning to be submitted where possible – your child is not expected to complete learning if they are unwell. Learning may be emailed, added to Class Dojo or returned to school when lockdown ends. Your child’s teacher will give feedback on this learning.

Thank you for supporting your child at home with their learning during this difficult time. If you need to contact your child’s teacher, please email using the year group address. For example: [email protected].

Remote Learning in the Secondary Phase: Work will be set every day for secondary phase pupils.

  • The learning activities will have a clear learning goal and the activity completed by children will allow teachers to check their understanding and gauge their progress.
  • For each lesson on the timetable each day, a substantial learning activity (to take approximately 30 minutes to complete) will be provided. In many cases this is likely to take the form of a pre-recorded presentation from the teacher with audio and video narration, followed by at least one activity for pupils to complete independently.

Pupils will need to:

  • Check their school email account every day.
  • Complete all work set by their teachers and return the completed work to their teachers
  • Email teachers if they are unsure about the work/need support completing it.

Whilst we expect all work set to be completed, we understand that there may be ways in which you need support. We are able to help with a variety of issues, so please ensure you contact us through a class teacher, coach or year manager should you need support with any of the following:

  • Having limited access to technology devices or WIFI/data
  • Not knowing how to access school email or Microsoft Teams
  • Forgotten usernames and passwords for school email account or other online systems (eg HegartyMaths)
  • Not having text books or reading books
  • Not having enough pens, paper or other stationery

Free School Meals: The school will be able to provide support for those pupils’ eligible for Free School Meals through delivery of packed lunches and additional food hampers. The Government has not released food vouchers; if this changes we will update families as soon as possible.

Y11 Examinations and Year 6 SATs: The government have announced that it will not be possible for all examinations to take place as planned. Whilst we have not been informed yet as to the format or method of assessment, pupils will still be attaining GCSEs this summer and therefore learning to contribute to centre assessed grades, coursework or a modified examination season is essential. Year 11 pupils must continue to study all subjects and complete learning set by their teachers.

No information as yet has been provided regarding Year 6 SATs and again, pupils in Year 6 need to continue as usual accessing all remote learning and undertaking all tasks set.

Additional support
If you require additional support with either remote learning, access to free school meals, general assistance and guidance then please do not hesitate to contact your child’s coach or the school directly.

We know that this next half term will be at times difficult and we want to reassure you that we will be here to work with you and your child. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely
Lucie Lakin