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20th December 2024

Dear families, 

As the first full term of this academic year draws to a close, we are grateful for all the opportunities that we have been able to offer pupils of all ages. We’ve enjoyed hosting a range of visitors, including those from our partner school in France, Mike Tomlinson, who met with our Tomlinson House Captains, and most recently, Simon Reeve, broadcaster and adventurer, who spoke to our Year 11 pupils as part of PDP.

We are also looking ahead to the new year and new half-term, with events such as theatre trips, Basecamp residential, Year 5 residential, a trip to MathsCity and sports tournaments, along with the opening of our Community Hub. We are looking forward to officially opening this building and welcoming in the local community.

Christmas events: We were delighted to welcome families into school to enjoy our Christmas Showcase on Tuesday. It was a fabulous evening celebrating a range of talents. We also enjoyed our Big Sing, Reception Nativity, Santa & Reindeer Dash and the Singalong in the Primary Phase. It has been lovely to see our community come together at this time.

Christmas card competition: We held our Christmas card design competition for pupils in all year groups, with the winning design then emailed to friends of CMCS. Congratulations to Lucy Luu in Year 7 whose design was chosen as the winner, and to Neesha Richards, Year 7, who came in 2nd place and Astrid Reay, Year 6, who came in 3rd place.

Year 8 midterm assessments: Year 8 pupils sat their midterm assessments w/c 2nd December and they will receive their reports after the Christmas break.

Progress Reports: Your child’s progress report is included in this envelope. This is an important capture of their learning and progress this half-term. Please ensure that you have discussed this with your child and recognised their achievements and accomplishments as well as highlighting areas for focus and improvement.

Year 7 midterm assessments: Year 7 pupils have their midterm exams w/c 13th January. Your child has received a letter with a timetable of their assessments and a revision pack. Please discuss the importance of using the revision material to prepare effectively for the assessments with your child.

Meet Your Coach Days: Our next parent/carer consultation evening is on Wednesday 29th January for Years 2 and 10 from 3.30 – 7.00pm. Our next Meet Your Coach Day for all year groups is on Wednesday 12th February from 2.30 – 7.30pm (from 3.30pm in the Primary Phase). We look forward to meeting with you on these dates.

Year 9 assessments: Year 9 pupils have their assessments from w/c 3rd February. Pupils will receive a timetable and revision pack during the Spring 1 Term.

Year 11 mock exams: Year 11 pupils have their next set of mock exams w/c 10th February and w/c 24th February. Please encourage your child to attend the relevant intervention sessions which run each day after school. A timetable with these sessions is included in this envelope. We will also be running intervention during the February half-term holidays to support these exams.

Attendance: School reopens on Monday 6th January. Both phases will start at the usual Monday morning time.

Well done to pupils and families who have been rewarded for strong or improved attendance in recent weeks. If you have received letters due to attendance being below expectation, it is key that you work with us to make progress. The letters you have received outline who can support in school.

Our expectation that pupils and families strive for the best attendance possible, showing resilience and commitment, remains high. Punctuality is also vitally important – being at school regularly and on time allows pupils to make the most of their learning and the wider opportunities we offer.

Term Times: Enclosed in this envelope is the latest Term Times, which contains highlights from the Autumn term. We hope you enjoy recapping these fantastic events.

Please also see a list of key dates here.

We thank you for your continued support and wish you all a lovely break.

Yours faithfully

Lucie Lakin