We believe in offering our pupils a broad, balanced and nutritious diet.


All pupils should have access to a healthy, nutritious breakfast before school. Having a nutritious breakfast ensures that our pupils start the day feeling energised and ready to learn.

Primary breakfast
In the Primary Phase we run a breakfast club from 7:45am each school day. Pupils at breakfast club enjoy spending time with their peers in a relaxed setting whilst eating a healthy breakfast before the start of their school day. Please note, attendance at this club needs to be booked in advance and there is a charge of £4 per day, per pupil.

Any Primary Phase pupils who don’t attend breakfast club will still be offered a free breakfast, which is delivered to their classroom at the start of period 1. This is provided as part of our partnership with Magic Breakfast.

Secondary breakfast
In the Secondary Phase, our breakfast club runs from 7:45am and offers a free breakfast for all pupils who attend.


At lunchtime, children may have a school dinner or bring a packed-lunch. School meals are prepared in-house and the meals are nutritionally balanced to provide your child with the right amount of nutrients and energy.

Pupils are encouraged to use the correct table manners and make conversation to continue developing relationships over the lunchtime period.

If your child is bringing a packed-lunch, please ensure it contains the right amount of nutritious food. Please do not send fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate bars.

Primary Phase meals
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a Universal School Meal. We offer either a hot dinner or a sandwich option under the Universal School Meal Scheme. We will need one week’s written notice if you wish to make any changes to your choice.

Milk will be provided for younger children throughout their time in the primary phase. Milk will be free to Reception children, and, in Year 1 – Year 6, can be paid for on a termly (£7) or yearly (£21) basis. If you are entitled to free school meals, your child is also entitled to free milk.

Our younger children will also be given a piece of fruit or vegetable to keep their mind in full working order and to promote healthy eating and well-being.

Secondary Phase meals
Pupils have access to the refectory where meals are served before school and at break and lunch times.

Please find the menu linked below, which is updated termly.


ParentPay gives you the opportunity to pay for your child’s school meals on the highly secure ParentPay website. It offers a history of all the payments you have made and gives you peace of mind that your payment has been made safely and securely.

For further information you can visit the ParentPay website or click here to look at our flyer.

Free School Meals

To find out if you are eligible for free school meals, please call Leeds Revenues and Benefits Service on 0113 2224404 or visit www.leeds.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals.

You may be entitled to free school meals if you are in receipt of the following benefits:

  • income support
  • income based jobseekers allowance
  • income related employment and support allowance

  • child tax credit with an annual income of less than £16,190 (provided you are not receiving Working Tax Credit)

  • the ‘guarantee’ element of the State Pension Credit
  • support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

In the Secondary Phase, pupils with Free School Meals can spend £3.34 per day. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr Waddington on 0113 3368400 here in school.