We believe that effective communication around progress is crucial to our pupils’ development.

Assessments at CMCS

Assessment is part of our day-to-day practice and follows the principles of the Learning Line.

It’s important that pupils know how well they’re doing in their learning, and we also understand the importance of parents/carers knowing how their child is doing in school. Assessment data is also shared with teachers to help them plan the curriculum effectively, and with school leaders and governors so they can see the progress that pupils are making.

Having the right assessment information in the right place at the right time allows us to work as partners in learning, and for pupils to make the best possible progress during their time with us.

Watch our assessment video to hear more about this process at CMCS.

Progress Reports

At the end of each half-term, parents/carers will receive a paper copy of their child’s progress report. This report is also discussed during ‘Meet Your Coach Day’ appointments.

As pupils are assessed throughout the year, this report will set out the following information for each subject they study:

  • How much progress they have made

  • How much effort they are putting into their lessons and Flexible Learning opportunities

  • How resilient they are when facing challenges

  • The level of independence they show

Other data provided on the progress reports includes examination results, current and target grades and attendance.

Good progress is rewarded at the end of each full term during our reward assemblies. Certificates are presented to pupils who have demonstrated outstanding Character for Learning attributes, such as compassion, ambition and critical thinking. Recognition is also given for 100% attendance.

You can see examples of the Progress Reports linked here.

Key Stage 3 assessment

Age-related expectations (Year 7 and 8 assessment)
Twice each year, pupils in Years 7 and 8 will receive an assessment report following midterm and final examinations. These detailed reports highlight strengths and areas for improvement in each subject.

Pre-Qualification expectations (Year 9 assessment)
Pupils in Year 9 will receive an assessment report following their PQE assessments. These detailed reports highlight strengths and areas for improvement in each subject. These reports follow the same style as the age-related expectation reports that Years 7 and 8 receive.