Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education

Relationships Education in the Primary Phase

Relationships Education in the Primary Phase will put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships, including with family, friends and online. ​Children will be taught what a relationship is, what friendship is, what family means and who can support them. Children will consider how to treat each other with kindness, consideration and respect. ​

By the end of Year 6, pupils will have been taught content on: ​

  • families and people who care for them
  • caring friendships ​
  • respectful relationships ​
  • online relationships ​
  • being safe​

Health Education in the Primary Phase aims to give children the information they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing, to recognise issues in themselves and others, and to seek support as early as possible when issues arise.

Relationships and Sex Education in the Secondary Phase

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in the Secondary Phase will build on the teaching at primary level. It aims to give young people the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds. Pupils will cover content on what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like and what makes a good friend, colleague and successful marriage or committed relationship. At the appropriate time, the focus will move to developing intimate relationships, to equip pupils with the knowledge they need to make safe, informed and healthy choices as they progress through adult life. ​​

By the end of Year 11, pupils will have been taught content on: ​

  • families ​
  • respectful relationships, including friendships ​
  • online media ​
  • being safe ​
  • intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health​

Health Education (HE) in the Secondary Phase aims to give pupils the information they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing, to recognise issues in themselves and others, and to seek support as early as possible when issues arise. ​

Right to withdraw​ from RSE in the Secondary Phase

Parents/Carers are not able to withdraw their child from any aspect of Relationships Education or Health Education. ​Parents/Carers are be able to withdraw their child (following discussion with the school) from any or all aspects of Sex Education, other than those which are part of the science curriculum, up to and until three terms before the age of 16.​